What Part Of The Brain Does Ketamine Affect?


The human brain is the most complex organism known to man – containing more than 100 billion neurons – and it’s the pain control center of our lives. If you’re experiencing mental or physical discomfort that persists despite conventional treatment, you may benefit from alternative drugs like ketamine which can offer relief. WHAT IS KETAMINE? … Read more

How To Live Well With Chronic Pain and Illness


Chronic pain makes life incredibly difficult, and it affects a person in more ways than just having pain. But with the right lifestyle changes paired with effective treatment, you can find relief and still maintain a healthy lifestyle with chronic pain and illness. Keep reading to learn some tips and techniques that may help you … Read more

How to Diagnose PTSD


PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder – is a mental health disorder triggered by either experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. The most common symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety, as well as intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event. It’s natural to have difficulty coping after a traumatic event, but these feelings should go away on … Read more

What Are The Signs of Depression?

what are symptoms of depression for men and women

Sign of Depression in Men Depression symptoms and warning signs can vary in men and women. Men also lean to using different coping skills — both healthy and not — than women. We are not sure why men and women can experience depression in a different way. It probably involves several factors, like hormones, brain … Read more

What is High Functioning Depression?

ketamine infusion high functioning depression treatment

The Effects of Depression Likely, you knew a high achiever once – someone who excelled academically, professionally, socially – and who seemed destined for greatness. But the façade slowly faded under a tidal wave of exhaustion, intense self-criticism, and little or no sense of accomplishment. In the end, this person probably suffered from severe, undiagnosed … Read more

Can you cure PTSD?

help for PTSD pompano beach

Humans are ingenious. We’ve cured the likes of polio, measles, rubella, and smallpox with vaccines after years of research. So why can’t we cure posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? The answer is complicated because, as with all mental health disorders, PTSD has mysterious causes and so far, only some of its symptoms can be managed. The goal of treating PTSD is to allow – through therapy, education, medicine – affected individuals to return to some level of normalcy.

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Does anxiety cause high blood pressure?

ketamine to help anxiety

Anxiety and blood pressure appear to go hand in hand, but the symptoms of anxiety usually only lead to a short-term spike in your blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic’s Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. “But episodes of anxiety can cause dramatic, temporary spikes in your blood pressure. If those temporary spikes occur frequently, such as every day, they can cause damage to your blood vessels, heart, and kidneys.

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How to Help Someone with Depression

help a friend with depression treatment in Nashville, TN

When someone is dealing with depression they are often not the only ones who are suffering. Trying to help someone who’s depressed is often a frustrating, confusing experience. You want to see them get better, but at the same time, you don’t want to do anything that might make the situation worse. As a result, interactions can become tense, simply because you’re trying not to make a mistake. And if you do say or do something that’s poorly received, there’s a danger of becoming resentful that your best efforts are not appreciated. So, how to help someone with depression? Mental health professionals suggest you try some of the following methods.

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Can Chronic Pain Cause PTSD Development?

ketamine for chronic pain treatment in Nashville, TN

Chronic pain and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have a symbiotic relationship, living in close proximity to one another, often within the mind and body of someone suffering from both. Chronic pain is difficult to diagnose, but some symptoms can be managed effectively with proper treatment. PTSD results after a traumatic event, with the sufferer, often left with injuries or conditions tracked back to the trauma. If chronic pain is diagnosed as being injury-related, such as a spinal injury in a soldier who was harmed by an improvised explosive device, then PTSD may have resulted from the pain as an example.

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Ketamine for PTSD

Ketamine treatment for veterans with PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that occurs in some people after the occurrence of a highly stressful, shocking, scary, or traumatic event. Doctors do not know why certain people’s bodies react to stress to result in PTSD, but for those individuals, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can interrupt their day-to-day functioning and disrupt their lives.

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